Complete Details
Radio Communication (P-963)
Furuno Singapore Pte Ltd
1 Weeks
1. Radio Communication 1 Qty
2. antena coupler , part no. AT5075 , Sr. No. 3407 , 1 Qty
3. antenna coupler instal kit , part no. CP05-12201 , 1 Qty
4. antena coupler , part no. AT5075, Sr. No. 3385, 1 Qty
5. antenna coupler instal kit , part no. CP05-12201, 1 Qty
6. emergency lamps, JBs and Lights & misc
7. ADFO converter + misc items
8. components from AL-7107-dual & FELcom-18 SSAS
converters 4 Qty
9. rectifier 2 Qty
10. various components (balance items) 1 Qty
11. converters 6 Qty
12. Motorola pack, i/Com, radio head units and hand held, recievers etc 1 Qty
13. Motorla pack 2, mounting brackets, trans receivers, misc 1 Qty
14. VHF Radio telephone 7 Qty
15. Navitex receiver and display 1 Qty
16. GPS Navigator and Inverter : 1000 pcs , 500 pcs protectors , 8 rolls of cable various loose
17. cable cones protectors and cables 1002 Qty
18. Printers x 2 & 9 x 100 packates of black cable clips & 10 x 10 packets of alu hanging clips 2 Qty
19. Black cable clamps 500 Qty
20. printer machines 2 Qty
Item review can be submitted after placing order for the same.